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Restaurant Le Derbys

Presentation of this table

Le Derbys is a restaurant that offers quality cuisine made with fresh, local ingredients. The chef is passionate about his work and this is obvious in every dish he creates. The flavours are surprising. A place worth discovering.

Spécialités : crêpe de Vonnas et truite du fumage artisanal du Sichon ; carré d’agneau du Bourbonnais aux herbes, panier de légumes ; magret de canard Apicius accompagné de chips maison et mousseline de petits pois ; piquenchagne façon Bellenaves ; Arlette au crémeux chocolat et framboises.


Facilities not filled in



The table

  • Homemade

Information on the establishment

Name of the operator : Alexandre PASZKUDSKI


Restaurant Le Derbys
2 à 6 rue de l’Intendance
03200 VICHY

04 70 97 48 48