Guide d'auberges, hôtels et restaurants, pour week-ends, affaires, séjours et vacances.

Presentation of this table

A small, family-run inn located in the heart of a village of 115 inhabitants, where you will find a warm welcome and be offered a fine seasonal cuisine, prepared by the chef using fresh produce and served by his wife. A family business passed down from father to son since 1970. Since 2010 the owners have also run the hotel “Le Petit Relais” located at Pont de Roide (7 km away).

Spécialités : charlotte de queues d’écrevisses, vinaigrette Nantua ; caillette de volaille au macvin ; corolle de truite farcie aux écrevisses ; souris d’agneau au romarin ; paleron de veau braisé fleur de bière : demi homard grillé à l’huile d’olive (sur réservation) ; grenouilles fraîches et gibier en saison.


Disabled Access
Pets allowed


  • Cheese factory 3 km
  • Seaside resort 7 km
  • Vineyard 80 km
  • Lake 70 km
  • Golf 20 km
  • Airport 110 km
  • Ski resort 20 km
  • Cross-country ski resort 20 km

The table

  • Chef : Pascal JACQUET
  • Number of seats : 40
  • Menus from 25.00€ to 48.00€
  • Menu from 16.00€ to 49.00€
  • Lunch menu : entrée + plat + dessert 15.00€
  • Children’s menu : 12.00€
  • Homemade
  • Organic products
  • Takeaway

Information on the establishment

Name of the operator : Pascal JACQUET

  • Qualité tourisme
  • Toque 2 Toques Vertes

Language spoken :

  • Anglais

Payment methods :

  • American Express
  • Carte bancaire
  • Chèques vacances


L’Auberge Fleurie
4 chemin de Dampjoux
25190 BIEF

03 81 96 53 01