Guide d'auberges, hôtels et restaurants, pour week-ends, affaires, séjours et vacances.

Presentation of this table

In the heart of Paris, the Contraste restaurant welcomes you and offers a cuisine of quality elaborated with fresh products. This establishment can boast of having two exceptional chefs, one is Catalan and the other is Breton. These two childhood friends mix their origins, their respective experiences in the biggest addresses, the result is up to the task.

Spécialités : moules à l’escabèche, St pierre, agneau Catalan, chocolat d’Equateur, riz au lait.


Facilities not filled in



The table

  • Chef : Kévin DE PORRE & Erwan LEDRU
  • Menus from 89.00€ to 119.00€
  • Menu from 19.00€ to 42.00€
  • Lunch menu : entrée + plat + dessert 55.00€
  • Homemade

Information on the establishment

Name of the operator : Stéphane MANIGOLD


Restaurant Contraste
18 rue d’Anjou
75008 PARIS 08

01 42 65 08 36